These are the 2 faces of Zara Brett. She does a lot of frowning our little girl. Now this does not necessarily mean she is unhappy. This I know because she often frowns when she is on the breast. Given that there is no happier or relaxing place for a new born to be, then I figure that she must just be a 'frowner', just like her old man. Let's say she is a thinker instead, already thinking about what she will be studying at University, Medicine or Law?
The second face is a newer one but one that suits her a lot more. Yes she has started smiling and sometimes at the oddest times. Myself and Bec are not quite sure whether she means to smile or its just some kind of involuntary facial movement but frankly who cares. She looks happy and we feel amazing.
Stay tuned for more faces of the amazing Zara Brett
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